Living College-Free :: AWOL update

School is over!

I have been without internet for the past month and was searching frantically for a home.
A word to you hippies:


We were lucky enough to get connected to this incredible couple that owns a big plot of land with cabins and wall tents right before our eviction date. I am so happy to meet these people! MY CABIN HAS A GARDEN!!!  :3

Also, a walk-in kitchen, open concept bathroom and an addition that is a rectangular box of a bedroom. No complaints.
I do enjoy walking into my house and being greeted by a bathroom with a sheet over the entrance. and then the propane stove and mini fridge.

View from my bedroom... yes, that is the front door.

View from my bedroom… Yes. That is the front door AND my mini fridge!

This is life. The river broke a week ago and there is still icebergs floating along the Yukon River right outside my window…  Seeing running water is so alien and strange to me. The bumbles are beeing, the swallows are swallowing, the seagulls have followed me here from back home.
Spring is here!

Kitchen window
Thats my kitchen window. There are lots of spiders living in that window sill, but I like them. They eat the GIGANTIC MOSQUITOES that will soon breed.

I have lots to say about life too many things for letters on screens.  I wish I could have blogged more often. Now I have wi-fi included in the rent for this cabin I will have better, greater things to say to my readers :}


Oh. I Graduated.

It was fantastic and awesome!

Except for the misogynistic fool of an “Artistic Director” at my school. He made me want to leave my graduation and puke all over the room at the same time.

The artistic extravaganza at the Confluence Gallery was a success! Lots of brie was eaten that night, I mingled and talked about my artwork…. and mostly stood around awkwardly.

I never know what to do at artistic gallery events. I feel like I am not ritzy or upper-class enough to sit around mingling. The free wine just makes me clumsy and giggly..

I’m working on uploading my photo essay and the painting/collage I did for the show.

End of crazy springtime-homely-not art-ranting for today!
