First Nations Health Emergency (Example Letter)


Help Indigenous Peoples During the Emergency Heath Crisis


I am a university student and am non-Indigenous.

I am aware of Indigenous Peoples “officially” calling for help due to a suicide epidemic, and the lack of proper medical care in their communities. The harm being done is not only affecting the people living on reserves, but is harming all Canadians as we work towards resolving our past history. We must work towards a positive future that we can all be proud of and feel is nurturing to ourselves and  future generations.

The quality of life that Indigenous people on reserves are currently receiving does not reflect the Canada that I want to support and I urge you to help make this right as quickly as possible.

The water quality in these reserves are pitiful and I am incredibly disappointed with the way our government has chosen to ignore the issues. It is racist, and by doing nothing to help with the suicide/health epidemic, you are helping to continue (and promote) the genocide that has been occurring for hundreds of years on this land.

Are you able to empathize with the people who have lost their children, mothers, elders and friends because of our “do nothing” approach?

What is being done to address these issues? Surely you would not enjoy living in these disturbing situations, and I hope you never do.

Sincerely concerned and interested to have a response,

David Zimmer
Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
Suite 400
160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E6
Tel: 416-325-5110

Justin Trudeau
Address:(No postage required!)
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Tel: 1 613 995-0253

If you do not know what this is for, read this post.
First Nations Declare Health Emergency

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