
-Question- the West

I know the feels.

I don’t associate myself with much mainstream media anymore because I think it is all a big distraction from the real issues at hand.

“I don’t wanna watch television
I don’t wanna listen to the radio
I don’t wanna drown in American society.”

Problem is, because I choose to entertain myself with different types of movies , radio stations or new sources I’m starting to find it really hard to communicate/relate to most people my age.

Why do you think it is so easy to get sucked into mainstream media? Why is it so believable?

I am reading Evelyn Waugh’s Scoop for English class and it is causing new discussions for what/who determines mainstream reality and ‘news’. It is interesting to reactions when people realize that most of what they know about the current situation of our world has been documented and constructed by people who have under-lying motives at hand.  Industry, Politics, Consumer-culture.

What I mean to say is, QUESTION what information you are given. Don’t be afraid to read CBC or underground news sources like Rabble to get a second or third opinion on a matter. Sometimes newspapers/musicians/filmmakers are muzzled by other powers that do not want the general public to know everything.

So question things, my friend.

& I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna drown in [Western] society.

Kid President’s History of Awesome Girls Rap

This kid is SO COOL.

If this doesn’t make you love being a girl, there is something wrong. (please comment below) Tell me why!