
Where do the provinces stand on climate change? Find out here!

With climate talks well underway at COP21, where do the provinces stand on climate change and what are their strategies moving ahead?

So far it looks like Quebec is doing the best.

Source: Where do the provinces stand on climate change? |

Today in 1948: Suffocation by Smog

“Hey kid, want a smog?”
“No thanks, I quit in January. That stuff is bad for your lungs.”


In Donora, Pennsylvania during the last week of October 1948, a combination of fog and smoke blanketed the town and trapped air.  Days passed. Air pollutants increased and the smog got worse, causing a decrease in visibility…. (more…)

Air Pollution

… is the presence of chemicals, gases and particles in the air in amounts that damage the environment and cause harm to humans and other living things.

Check out the Go Green! Agenda Resurrection project

March Against Monsanto – Toronto

No time to make a sign. No time to be a bee!  MAMTO-SIGN

But I still marched. I made a difference. One voice among thousands. We shouted


We let our city know what we want:


& when we wanted it


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It was my first time going to MAMTO, yet it felt so natural to me.

All morning I stared at my breakfast, mulling over my food choices. Where they organic? No.  Where did they come from? I don’t even want to think about it.
How many GMOs are snuck into the food I eat everyday?

I’ll admit it, I know about all the awful pesticides killing our lovely pollinators.
I try to buy local, farm-friendly and organic when I can, but I am unemployed and trying to get to university.
It’s hard to vote with your money when you don’t have any!

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Attending events like March Against Monsanto, going to local farmers markets and supporting programs such as Food Share, FarmTOFork, or the Toronto GMO Coalition can still make a difference — even if you can’t afford to buy 100% organic and fair trade products.

Volunteering is a free way to show your support.
*PRO TIP* sometimes you get free stuff!

At the end of the march, I got to hear a few bands play in Christie Pits along with many speakers. I wish I remembered their names. These are real people making change!  Some sacrificed their jobs standing up for what they believe in.
It blew me away that one girl (16) started advocating for labeling GMOs when she was just 11 years old!
If she can do it, we all can.

Step up and fight for a world we are proud to be a part of.

♥ A.R.T.T.  xx

Fracking our lives away.

Gasland 2 is the sequel to an American documentary that focuses on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and what happens to regular people because of the gas industries we support everyday. If you drive a car, heat your home, own a cellphone OR eat food that doesn’t come from your backyard WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY.

Do you know there are places in America that don’t have any clean water because of fracking?
Kids who can’t swim or play in ponds near their home because of the chemicals irresponsibly released into their water supply?

Dimock, Pennsylvania’s water is flammable because of improper disposal of waste water from drilling. There is gasoline and methane in their drinking water!

Flaming hoses… in Texas, too!

Fracking in the neighborhood doesn’t just manifest itself in water. Chemicals blowing in the wind can cause health problems (more…)