Truth and Reconciliation

Colonialism for Dummies (a story about chickens)

Robert Lovelace’s analogy for how colonization happened in Canada.

I think parts of this can be applied to other ‘settled’ lands, too. Lovelace did a pretty great job, so give it a read!
Click for Chickens: Colonialism for Dummies (a story about chickens to help explain Canadian history) |

First Nations Health Emergency (Example Letter)


Help Indigenous Peoples During the Emergency Heath Crisis


I am a university student and am non-Indigenous.

I am aware of Indigenous Peoples “officially” calling for help due to a suicide epidemic, and the lack of proper medical care in their communities. The harm being done is not only affecting the people living on reserves, but is harming all Canadians as we work towards resolving our past history. We must work towards a positive future that we can all be proud of and feel is nurturing to ourselves and  future generations.

The quality of life that Indigenous people on reserves are currently receiving does not reflect the Canada that I want to support and I urge you to help make this right as quickly as possible.

The water quality in these reserves are pitiful and I am incredibly disappointed with the way our government has chosen to ignore the issues. It is racist, and by doing nothing to help with the suicide/health epidemic, you are helping to continue (and promote) the genocide that has been occurring for hundreds of years on this land.

Are you able to empathize with the people who have lost their children, mothers, elders and friends because of our “do nothing” approach?

What is being done to address these issues? Surely you would not enjoy living in these disturbing situations, and I hope you never do.

Sincerely concerned and interested to have a response,

David Zimmer
Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
Suite 400
160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E6
Tel: 416-325-5110

Justin Trudeau
Address:(No postage required!)
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Tel: 1 613 995-0253


First Nations declare health emergency

TORONTO — First Nations leaders from northern Ontario declared a public-health emergency on Thursday related to what they called a dire shortage of basic medical supplies and an epidemic of suicides among young people.

I cannot believe it! We have to put a stop to this injustice. Let’s all DO SOMETHING.

Contact David Zimmer, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, our Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne (directly from this link) or send our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau a letter with your thoughts. Share this information with people who may not have access to this kind of news.

If you want to speak up, but do not have the words or are not sure where to begin, use this letter I sent as a reference.

David Zimmer
Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
Suite 400
160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E6
Tel: 416-325-5110

Kathleen Wynne

Justin Trudeau
Address:(No postage required!)
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Tel: 1 613 995-0253

Source: First Nations declare health emergency –

KAIROS Thanksgiving Message + Blanket Exercise

Mass Blanket Exercise on Parliament Hill during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission‘s Calls to Action.

I should have shared this before Thanksgiving, but it is always important to be thankful for what we have. Everyday! Not just on holidays.

I am gracious for being able to travel to Ottawa this summer so I could hear the stories of survivors at TRC. I feel like things are changing and there is hope for the future. Being a part of this video makes me feel like I’m part of this history! What an honor.

Created by KAIROS, the model of the blanket exercise is used to gain perspective on the true history of Canada; how colonization affected the people who lived here first.

As a Canadian who is living on the land where many consider genocide to have occurred, I think the blanket exercise humbled me incredibly. History books in school lied to me.

This is a very quick activity and is free to use by anyone, anywhere (offices, classrooms, community events etc.) it has even been adapted to be used with grades 1 and up.

The Blanket Exercise Manual

Scrolls for Grades 4-8 Exercise

Learn about Columbus Day

Something to think about this Columbus Day… and every other Columbus Day.


Do you really want to celebrate this genocide? Slavery? Assimilation/extinction of cultures?


– A reading from Bartolome de las Casas’ journal about the wrongdoings committed to the Taino people of the island of Hispaniola during Columbus’ reign.  This is TRUE history and by celebrating Columbus day, these are the kind of things we are blindly glorifying.



Columbus Day; Colonization

Listen to the Lyrics.




I saw A Tribe Called Red perform in the Yukon and they were amazing!

Go get their free album, and educate yourself about TRUE Canadian/American history.

Click here for the album!!: A Tribe Called Red

TOMORROW: Orange Shirt Day -Honoring Residential School Survivors

Don’t forget to wear an orange shirt tomorrow!

(or anything orange)

Source: Orange Shirt Day -Honoring Residential School Survivors

Reconciliation — Canadian History & Religion

“We are deeply grateful to gather here on unceded, unsurrendered, Algonquin territory. Although divided by political boundaries, this remains Algonquin land.
We come together in this time between truth and the hope of reconciliation, seeking wisdom and accompaniment of one another as we try to find a good way forward.
Believing in the possibilities of a reconciled future, we will not ignore the many injustices that persist and the many inequalities that continue to divide. […] ” Jennifer Henry Executive Director – KAIROS

The moment I stepped in, I could feel an immense energy radiating from the room. I couldn’t immediately understand, but change was happening before my eyes.

Aboriginal Elders spoke about the cultural genocide they experienced while attending residential schools. Issues about the living quality on reserves, unequal treatment towards native women (including 2000+ unsolved murders), environmental law infractions and the government completely disregarding all efforts made by native people to prosper in Canada.

These are some heavy subjects, but it is important to know about the dark, often disregarded part of our history. (more…)

A Message To Canadians

For generations, people living on this land have been silenced.

Bill C-51 is a new form of censorship. It is a violation of human rights resulting from political dominance – but this is not a new thing.

Indigenous people have been physically and mentally hurt since white people got here. They were enslaved, murdered, purposefully infected with small pox blankets and forced out of their homelands.

Years of genocide. Secrecy. Lies in our history books.
Absolute disrespect for the hospitality and knowledge offered to us by the people who lived here first.

Is this a Canada you are proud of?

I am so happy -and privileged- to live on this land.
We have it incredibly good in Canada BUT, it isn’t good enough.

We need to value the land and the peoples who were here before any of us came to colonize, brutalize and economize. When I say this, I am including the water, sky, soil, plants and animals.

I value the belief systems of Indigenous peoples and do not understand how this ignorance is still happening. I want to learn how to honor and learn the ways instead of ignoring and disrespecting their values. I want to be an ally because I know if anyone can help the stupid white people out of the mess we’ve gotten into, it is the people who were here first.

HEY! Step back and breathe air. Hear the crows calling?

I am not proud of the way Canada is run.

Why are we extracting resources with no consideration for the life and land we are impacting?

Why do we care more about dollar$ than community?
How can I live happily knowing my life is run by rich white men who have no consideration for the immeasurable daily struggles people face?

Why are women being silenced everyday by enforced sexual stereotyping, abductions, misogyny? We are healers, warriors and the bringers of LIFE. How are 2000+ (‘unofficial’) deaths of women being ignored?!?

What can WE do to change this?

Think freely, dangerously, critically about everything you experience.

We need the people we hurt to teach us how to love our land again.  As “Canadians”, we have forgotten.  I can only hope we are forgiven.

We are all indigenous when you consider that we are born on this earth -OF the earth- WE ARE THE EARTH… so why do we dehumanize our sisters and brothers?

I’m asking for help.
Understand one another. Appreciate what you have.  Why take more than you need? Consider all aspects of life on this earth when making decisions. This isn’t about you.

Consider my thoughts because I am speaking from the heart.

Right now I am spending a weekend in Ottawa attending Truth and Reconciliation meetings about residential schooling that happened as recently as 18 years ago. It is hard for me to hear what has happened to people like you and me.

I acknowledge that I am on un-surrendered land and I thank you, sisters and brothers for all this land has offered -and will continue to offer- to me.

~ ♥ Sammantha J. M.  (Arisetotrash)