Author: Arisetotrash

The antidote to apathy is not what you think…

Check out this short video about some of the barriers our society perpetuates re: community involvement, activism, and having those tough, much needed conversations.

A really great talk! The best part? If you’re from Ontario, you might feel the info directly speaks to your experiences.

Colonialism for Dummies (a story about chickens)

Robert Lovelace’s analogy for how colonization happened in Canada.

I think parts of this can be applied to other ‘settled’ lands, too. Lovelace did a pretty great job, so give it a read!
Click for Chickens: Colonialism for Dummies (a story about chickens to help explain Canadian history) |

Save the Planet with ketchup, yo.

One wicked way to reduce your garbage if you are going to hit up a fast food place!

~Watch for the fake french fry! I died.~

Chemical Free Air Freshener

It takes a second. Baking powder and essential oils. Stir.

Recycle an old jar or glass container.
Put a lid on it, or foil.
Make it look nice, or hide it somewhere.

I like how laid back the Burlap Bag is about this blog post.  Go check it out!

+ if you make a really unique one, show me!

Source: The Burlap Bag – High Quality Handmade Goods Shop – Austin Texas

Norma’s Story – Climate Change in Old Crow, YK.

Norma Kassi’s true story about living off the land and the changes to her environment due to climate change.
It is important to realize that in Southern Canada and the USA, we may not feel the impacts as much as the people in the North or people in countries overseas do. The lands and the people on it are impacted the most, yet they are in no way contributing to the increase of Carbon dioxide and other Green House Gasses in the same scale.

This is a beautiful short film, with an important message:
Tread Lightly
~ <3

p.s. Sorry I can’t get the embed file to work, just click the link!

Reading List: 2015-2016

April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November| December | January | February | March

Here I am! Catching up with the past 4 months of readings.
I didn’t FINISH reading anything during December and January, so those lists will never exist.  Here is what I’ve finished reading and remembered to write down.

» March 29

Interviewing Inuit Elders: Child-rearing Practices by Naqi Ekho and Uqsuralik Ottokie

This is the most fascinating book! An interview about how things used to happen with birth, aging, being a child and the ways people were raised. The way it is written feels as if Naqi and Uqsuralik are talking to you! I am using this as a resource for my paper and I discovered that you can access the whole book on this website!Here is a .pdf of the book +it has pictures. I hope that link works. :P


» March 26

The Pursuit of Ecotopia  by E.N. Anderson

Tried to read a few pages for research and couldn’t put the thing down.  Really insightful.

» March 18

Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam and the Science of Ocean motion by Loree Burns

I am writing a HUGE research paper on garbage (mainly plastics), so this kids book was light reading.  Super informative, though and quite sciency for all those non-scientists who wants to learn about cool stuff.
It also talks about the Pacific Garbage Patch and Beach Debris –Cool stuff!


HETF- Wordsthatcomebeforeallelse

» Feb 2

Words that come before All Else  by Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force

This book is beautifully written and an insightful look into the way the Haudenosaunee look at Creation. I was asked to read this for one of my classes, and it has opened my mind to a completely different way of seeing the Earth and all life that is on it.
After reading the .pdf I decided that I had to support the writers and buy the book. <-  if you click that link, you can read a preview or buy it yourself. I had no problem spending $26 CA (after S&H) to support HETF.

» Nov 30

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

GOOD BOOK! Read it! It is messed up. Begs its readers to ask questions like:

– What does it mean to be human?
– Would you like to live in the Brave New World?
– Are we moving towards living in a Brave New world?
– Is it better to be conditioned or to think freely?

Also, someone please explain to me HOW DOES THE BOOK END??! (without giving away too much, I was very confused)

OW. Right in the feminist.

OUCH! Right in the feminist.

Cry for help after four teens take their own lives on Manitoba First Nation

This is serious people!! Wake up!

Please take the time to write to your local premier or to Justin Trudeau about your thoughts on this. Speak from your heart and if no words can come out, search example letter on my blog and you can use the letter I sent to help you. I also included mailing addresses to Justin Trudeau and David Zimmer to make it easier.

Warrior Publications

suicide-prevention-walk-pimicikamak-cree-nation An estimated 1,000 people from the Pimicikamak Cree Nation (Cross Lake First Nation) attended a suicide prevention walk Thursday. (Facebook)

Most recent victim will be buried Sunday on what would’ve been her 15th birthday

By Karen Pauls, CBC News, March 04, 2016

Young people on the Pimicikamak Cree Nation are crying out for help after four teenagers killed themselves in less than three months.

“There’s so much of it happening,” said Amber Muskego, 17, who was close friends with some of the young people who have died since just before Christmas.

View original post 601 more words

First Nations Health Emergency (Example Letter)


Help Indigenous Peoples During the Emergency Heath Crisis


I am a university student and am non-Indigenous.

I am aware of Indigenous Peoples “officially” calling for help due to a suicide epidemic, and the lack of proper medical care in their communities. The harm being done is not only affecting the people living on reserves, but is harming all Canadians as we work towards resolving our past history. We must work towards a positive future that we can all be proud of and feel is nurturing to ourselves and  future generations.

The quality of life that Indigenous people on reserves are currently receiving does not reflect the Canada that I want to support and I urge you to help make this right as quickly as possible.

The water quality in these reserves are pitiful and I am incredibly disappointed with the way our government has chosen to ignore the issues. It is racist, and by doing nothing to help with the suicide/health epidemic, you are helping to continue (and promote) the genocide that has been occurring for hundreds of years on this land.

Are you able to empathize with the people who have lost their children, mothers, elders and friends because of our “do nothing” approach?

What is being done to address these issues? Surely you would not enjoy living in these disturbing situations, and I hope you never do.

Sincerely concerned and interested to have a response,

David Zimmer
Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
Suite 400
160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E6
Tel: 416-325-5110

Justin Trudeau
Address:(No postage required!)
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Tel: 1 613 995-0253


First Nations declare health emergency

TORONTO — First Nations leaders from northern Ontario declared a public-health emergency on Thursday related to what they called a dire shortage of basic medical supplies and an epidemic of suicides among young people.

I cannot believe it! We have to put a stop to this injustice. Let’s all DO SOMETHING.

Contact David Zimmer, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, our Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne (directly from this link) or send our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau a letter with your thoughts. Share this information with people who may not have access to this kind of news.

If you want to speak up, but do not have the words or are not sure where to begin, use this letter I sent as a reference.

David Zimmer
Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
Suite 400
160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E6
Tel: 416-325-5110

Kathleen Wynne

Justin Trudeau
Address:(No postage required!)
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Tel: 1 613 995-0253

Source: First Nations declare health emergency –

In New York there are Six Nations Against Fracking – Documentary

Please click-through and watch the video on Vimeo!

Be mindful of the actions you partake in and if those actions help to continue life, or destroy it.

2 years after this film was made, fracking is still an issue. Do you think we will ever open our eyes and begin to make vital changes? Or is the future too far away to plan for…

Relevant posts:

Fracking our lives away

Resource Extraction and it’s impact on peoples’ health