Writing Prompts/Insp.

Contamination of Country Food + MEGA DAM

I am in class learning about the current issues connected to Indigenous Enviornmental Studies and I couldn’t help myself from laughing at HEAVY METALS in our soil deposited by MEGA DAMS.
I know… I am awful.

I’ve decided someone needs to start an Eco-Metal band called MEGA DAM.
Start a band with me or steal my idea and show me what you do with it.* This is me being super-serious.


* better give me cred, yo.

Write Tactics 3

Written Self Portrait.

Discover yourself using a stream of consciousness.
Write without stopping.
Change it up as you go, or wait until you finish and tweak it.
→ It can feel pretty meditative if you do it on paper… you might learn a few things about yourself.


“Do all our thoughts have squatter’s rights?
And can we overthrow them?
Yes, always yes.”

Claire Haugh


Write Tactics 2

Choose a person.

somebody that you know//        would like to know//
have trouble remembering


recall a scenario with them in it, Or, make something up!

Sometimes, when I meet somebody new and I want to remember their name or something they said/did i write about them.
The story can be real, or it can be absolutely bizarre.
I like when the story is fiction, but still believable based on the character’s real traits.


don’t fear the laws of language.
Write your own words.
let them flow from brain to pen or take your time and choose them sparingly
|| Whatever you do –JUST WRITE||
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“”    “”

Write Tactics 1

Choose an

Listen While free-writing.

Write your own words.
let them flow from brain to pen or take your time and choose them sparingly
|| Whatever you do, JUST WRITE!!!

As you hear  /words phrases sounds/   that   /inspire tickle amuse/  you……

Get clever.

copy them into your work
+ find a way to mark which words are your own.


don’t fear the laws of language.

Play with punc

tuation. line break sand
 an example
I used caps.
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“”    “”