Residential School Survivors

KAIROS Thanksgiving Message + Blanket Exercise

Mass Blanket Exercise on Parliament Hill during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission‘s Calls to Action.

I should have shared this before Thanksgiving, but it is always important to be thankful for what we have. Everyday! Not just on holidays.

I am gracious for being able to travel to Ottawa this summer so I could hear the stories of survivors at TRC. I feel like things are changing and there is hope for the future. Being a part of this video makes me feel like I’m part of this history! What an honor.

Created by KAIROS, the model of the blanket exercise is used to gain perspective on the true history of Canada; how colonization affected the people who lived here first.

As a Canadian who is living on the land where many consider genocide to have occurred, I think the blanket exercise humbled me incredibly. History books in school lied to me.

This is a very quick activity and is free to use by anyone, anywhere (offices, classrooms, community events etc.) it has even been adapted to be used with grades 1 and up.

The Blanket Exercise Manual

Scrolls for Grades 4-8 Exercise

TOMORROW: Orange Shirt Day -Honoring Residential School Survivors

Don’t forget to wear an orange shirt tomorrow!

(or anything orange)

Source: Orange Shirt Day -Honoring Residential School Survivors